What's Up with White Women?: Unpacking Sexism and White Privilege in Pursuit of Racial Justice

What's Up with White Women?: Unpacking Sexism and White Privilege in Pursuit of Racial Justice

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Blending real-life stories, theory, and anti-racism practices, What's Up with White Women? is a practical guide for white women who are interested in becoming more effective in their cross-cultural, anti-racist work. The authors invite white women to understand their gendered role in systemic racism and their unique opportunity for action. Both frank and compassionate, coverage includes:

  • Stories of white women's experiences with sexism, racism, and white privilege
  • How white people harm People of Color and themselves by colluding with systems of oppression
  • Why and how white women often hijack race conversations
  • A powerful six-stage identity development model for self-reflection and growth
  • Guiding questions and practical actions for strengthening anti-racism practices
  • Tools to cultivate genuine partnerships with People of Color.

Positioned in a power hierarchy between white men and People of Color, it's time for white women to step up and take concrete actions that support equity and justice for all people.