Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism

Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism

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Dr. Clarke has examined this colossal dehumanizing of a people and his chronicle reveals that the African Holocaust was ' the greatest single crime in the world' committed against a people. Nothing else can match this massive genocide and destruction. Dr. Clarke asks in his study why did that have to happen to Africans and replies that "African people have always had and still have something that people want."  What he has succeeded in achieving is a monumental definitive work of the most destructive phenomena in the lives of Africans: something from which they are yet to recover fully. That is why he exhorts Africans that they never forget, that there is still much work to be done, and it must be undertaken by each individual person. He stresses that it will call for revolutionary change "to yourself and your community/' and he concludes his message in his introduction with these words: "My revolution starts with me and my memorial to the people in the Middle Passage starts right now.' It is obvious that this message is addressed to each African individually and must be repeated by everyone.