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Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity

Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity

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Following the civil rights movement, race relations in the United States entered a new era. Legal gains were interpreted by some as ensuring equal treatment for all and that "colorblind" policies and programs would be the best way forward. Since then, many voices have called for an end to affirmative action and other color-conscious policies and programs, and even for a retreat from public discussion of racism itself.

Bolstered by the election of Barack Obama, proponents of colorblindness argue that the obstacles faced by blacks and people of color in the United States can no longer be attributed to racism but instead result from economic forces. Thus, they contend, programs meant to uplift working-class and poor people are the best means for overcoming any racial inequalities that might still persist. In Colorblind, Tim Wise refutes these assertions and advocates that the best way forward is to become more, not less, conscious of race and its impact on equal opportunity.

Focusing on disparities in employment, housing, education and healthcare, Wise argues that racism is indeed still an acute problem in the United States today, and that colorblind policies actually worsen the problem of racial injustice. Colorblind presents a timely and provocative look at contemporary racism and offers fresh ideas on what can be done to achieve true social justice and economic equality.

Table of Contents:

Preface -- 1. The Rise and Triumph of Post-Racial Liberalism -- Colorblind Universalism and Public Policy -- Barack Obama and the Rhetoric of Racial Transcendence -- 2. The Trouble With Post-Racial Liberalism -- The Reality of Racial Disparities -- Race-Based Injury, Inherited Disadvantage and Ongoing Discrimination -- Dispensing With Victim-Blaming: The Inadequacy of Culture-of-Poverty Thinking -- How Colorblindness Can Make Racism Worse -- Talking Class, Hearing Race: Why Post-Racial Liberalism Fails on Its Own Terms -- 3. Illuminated Individualism: A Paradigm for Progressive Color-Consciousness -- Illuminated Individualism as a Key to Fairness and Equity -- Illuminated Individualism in Practice -- Notes -- About the Author.
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